December 26, 2022

In Islam, this has been briefly emphasized. The first verse starts with the word “Iqra,” which means “read” in Arabic, and that implies the concepts of “learning,” “exploring,” and “seeking enlightenment.”

Muslims have faith that Allah created humans and commanded them to they are in search of knowledge to become stronger.

Concept of education in Islam:

Islam created the guidelines that were created by Allah. The Islamic concept of philosophy and target of life is “achieve the pleasure of Allah.”

Surah-i-Baqar refers to and explains the observation of the universe and nature as “the signs of Allah for those who use their brains.”

Once our Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Gabriel,

“What is the supreme authority?”

The answer from Gabriel was, “The intellect, which increases in learning and thus draws nearer to God.”

Islamic views on higher education:

Muslims are encouraged to pursue higher education in order to become better citizens of the country. In the very past, only a few people were there who were able to read and write Arabic. However, knowledge spread quickly after the spread of Islam in Arabia, and advocacy of knowledge in Islamic teachings is also important.

Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) attempted to eradicate illiteracy among the captives of war, the choice of either receiving a fixed amount of money (or, in some cases, being allowed to go) or being free to go.


Types of education are obligatory in Islam:

The higher education of Islam as a religion is not only limited to its history; it also includes the entire Islamic theology, from Islamic jurisprudence to theology of Islamic jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, Islamic civilization, Islamic people, Islamic countries, Islamic history, Islamic culture, Islamic language, literature, religion, and worldview. And is devoted to the comprehensive study of Islam as a civilization in higher education by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars. It includes the study of the Quran, the study of philosophy, jurisprudence, and Muslim society through history, Tafseer, Hadith, Kalam, Fiqh, Tasawf or Sufism.


Women’s education in Islam:

Education for women was highly emphasized in Islam, especially by the traditions of Hazrat Muhammad. The entries include a jurist who was born in the 10th century in Baghdad, travelled to Syria and Egypt, and also preached to women; an Egyptian scholar who was born in the 12th century, whose excellency impressed her male students with her knowledge that was like a “camel load” of texts; and a woman of the 15th century who taught law at Medina.

According to the Islamic education movement, Ummal-Darda was a great teacher because she treated male scholars as equals, lectured men, and had a captain among her students.


Why Islam should also be taught in schools:

To transfer the cultural values of the Islamic religion to students as future generations pass them on through the people. Because of the science, Islamic education is predicated on both the Al-Quran and Hadith, which are written in the Arabic language, so teenagers can train and practice the language with Muslim students and learn many religious things.


The Importance of Arabic and English Learning in the Future:

Arabic is the fourth most spoken language, with 313 million native speakers. Knowledge of the Arabic language comes with many opportunities for your future.

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, with approximately 360 million speakers. Without English, one cannot even imagine living in the modern world.


Islamic philosophy of education:

Islamic philosophy that relates to education encourages the entire Muslim ummah to consider and think of their actions, as every action has its own reciprocation from Allah. Thus, to teach teenagers this aspect, they must all appreciate their minds and utilize them for the right action. For instance, in the Quran, Allah states,


 “Say: ‘Surely my Prayer, all my acts of worship, 143 and my living and my dying are for Allah alone, the Lord of the whole universe.” (Surah Al-An’am: 162)

That explains one of the root concepts of Islamic philosophy that is related to education and the concept of Muslims being obedient to Allah. By appreciating the concept, we can encourage humans to do the right thing and avoid the wrong path that Allah has prescribed.

Final thought/conclusion:

Muslim faith-based organizations focus mostly on relief work rather than long-term development projects, which would include education. As illustrated above, both the acquisition and the provision of knowledge are obligatory in Islam. Therefore, Muslim FBOs should consider focusing on education as obligatory when setting their priorities. Overall, Islam focused on and emphasized both male and female education and advancement as the modern world went forward.


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