December 28, 2022

By praying salah, one can achieve peace. It is a way to teach the children to turn to Allah for wisdom and guidance. Salah is the key to Jannat. It protects us from Jahannam. Salah also means pleasing Almighty Allah and His messenger.

  1. Start early: The earlier one prays Salah, and if he or she prays on time, Allah will guide him or her, and he or she will not sin. Therefore, it is more suitable to begin praying Salah at a young age. In Islam, salah is mandatory for six years.
  2. Make sure they know their prayers: Children should be taught about prayer rules and supplications so that they can pray in the right way with the mercy of Allah.
  3. Be patient: One must pray Salah slowly for the pleasure of Allah, not to please people. Thus, one can learn patience and sincerity.
  4. Use repetition. Repetition includes having remorse over our actions. It is a way of honouring Allah. It guides us into who we are and in what way Allah sees us. Make sincere repentance every time one commits a sin.
  5. Give rewards: We can make children happy with rewards to make them interested in prayer. Also, inform them of the reward that Allah has set for regular prayer. This will increase their interest in prayer. And they will pray regularly at the right time in the right order.
  6. Have fun: Allahu Akbar says to defeat Satan or throw stones at him. And when we stand for Salah, we can say we are standing before the King of all creation. With such small metaphors, we can make prayer fun for children.
  7. Get Help: When we stand in prayer, we will make the children stand with us. By doing this, they can learn salah by watching us, and that way, we can help them get started. Apart from that, school madrasahs can also make children proficient in learning prayer along with educational activities.


Salah improves spiritual well-being and also physical and mental health by developing muscle stability, joint mobility, and blood flow when performed properly and with the correct postures. Salah allows Muslims to communicate with Allah, listen to Allah, and follow in the footsteps of the prophets. We should attain Salah to purify our souls from sins, relieve our minds from the worldly stressors of life, and get Jannat.


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