December 28, 2022


 Islam word is an Arabic word which actually means “Peace”. As a religion, it teaches us to worship Allah and surrender ourselves towards Allah besides promoting peace. The main article of faith is, ” There is no true God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger “. Followers of Islam are called Muslims.


  1. Its founder was the prophet, Muhammad: The prophet Muhammad (be peace upon him) is closely connected to establishing Islam. Following the first revelation to the prophet Muhammad at the age of 40. Muhammad and his followers spread the teachings of Islam throughout the Arabian peninsula.


  1. His teachings are based on love and compassion: According to a hadith, the Prophet once said, “A true believer is one with whom others feel secure. One who returns love for hatred.” The Prophet made it clear that one who would only return love for love was on a lower ethical plane. This hadith gives an idea of ​​the Prophet’s beautiful way of preaching Islam.


  1. Don’t practice slavery: The Quran calls for the freeing of slaves, either the owner manumitting the slave, or a third party purchasing and freeing the slave. The freeing of slaves is encouraged as an act of benevolence, and expiation of sins. Quran 24:33 devises a manumission contract in which slaves buy their freedom in instalments. To abolish slavery Muslims married slaves. Our prophet has done so many things to abolish slavery from Arabs.


  1. Islam is a religion that Emphasizes Peace and Tolerance: the principle of Islam is peace, tolerance and coexistence. In Islam, peace is a core feature. It assumes social, cultural and religious differences that require tolerance, even if these differences do not meet with the parties approval.


  1. Many different cultures: Allah did not make us one community because he wanted to test us, and all will be answerable to Him on the Day of Judgment. Muslims have to respect every ideology, culture, community, and religion.


  1. There are  Millions of Muslims today: Islam teaches us peace, unity, and patience. Teaches respect for all as one. Anarchy, corruption, injustice and tyranny take no place in Islam. Islam has given the highest dignity to women as daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers. So people in the world are leaning towards Islam. And the number of Muslims is increasing.

  1. Muslim believe in god, Jesus Christ, and Mary Magdalene: Muslims only believe in Allah. And also believes that there is no true God but Allah. Allah is our  Creator, Sustainer, Protector and Lord of the “Day of Judgement”. He is the owner of the universe. He has no partner.


  1. They respect other  Religions:  Allah Ta’ala says in His Holy Qur’an, He is creating the entire human race, so everyone should respect and love each other regardless of caste, religion or caste. The Holy Prophet said in his farewell Hajj speech not to exaggerate religion. Every Muslim respects people of all communities. Those who exaggerate religion and create chaos can never be true believers. Islam is a religion of peace. Islam never supports anarchy.


  1. They have no interest in war or violence: Muslims have no interest in war and violence. A true believer can never do violence. Islam teaches patience and tolerance. But if there is any violation of the rights of our one and only Creator,  His messenger and of other human beings Islam teaches zero tolerance. But the nature of war in Islam is a defensive one, not an offensive one.


 Conclusion: the purpose of human life is to live a good life. And life is a beautiful gift and blessing from God. So we should obey all the commands and prohibitions of Allah, and respect the rest of His creation to benefit all and love all for the sake of Allah without harming others. And preparing oneself for life after death. Conducting life in the way shown by the Messenger of Allah. Paradise should be the final destination of every Muslim.

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