Alhamdulillah our CEO Sir Syed Gulam Kibria Azhari is a graduate from Al Azharl
University, Egypt. Completed his M phil from University of Gloucestershire, UK in Islamic banking finance and management. Sir is doing his PhD from University of Dhaka.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu : Allah (SWT) has mention in the Holy Quran : ” Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth : Our Lord ! Thou has not Created this is vain! Glory be to Thee; save us then from the Chastisement on the fire.” (Al-Quran-3:191) If we analyze this verse then we will find that Allah (SWT) has combined science, philosophy and His worship in one single point of the Holy Quran. Once upon a time Muslims were dominating the world with their superior knowledge  in sincere, mathematics and philosophy. in fact, they were leading the entire world in every aspect. They were full of Islamic characteristics, religious consciousness and engaged in scientific research and the art of knowledge gathering. Unfortunately, in the 21st century, we are going through a severe crisis; having lost our past glory and dominance in almost every sector. If someone analyzes the reasons behind this calamity then he must find that we are far away from Islamic distinctiveness, Allah’s worship, inclination towards scientific study and knowledge gathering. Hence, Al-Azhar Int’1 Grammar School (AIGS) aims at combining all three qualities amongst its students. Our experienced teachers will always try their best to build each student as a scientific mind who is also conscious and patriotic citizen of our beloved country, while being a devout and pious human being. AIGS will try to encourage humanity, compassion and inspire a true sense of empathy amongst its students. May Allah (SWT) give us the ability to build a God-fearing community who are responsible, patriotic citizens, full of Islamic characteristics and knowledge.


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