December 28, 2022

Introduction:   EVERYONE knows English is a worldwide language for communication. We want our children to prosper in life. But children also need to learn about the Islamic ways of leading a pious life. In our life, if we don’t focus on Islamic values we will lose our actual life path. So, the real target is to teach your children the history and actual value of Islam from an early age. And learning English will help them to know the world as well.


Smart Education for Learning

Day by day the world is changing so fast with world technology also getting faster. Make sure your children stay stable with this change. For this reason, they need smart education .this type of education is structured to help you reach your learning ultimate goal. Our school provides the best educational resources, technology and many learning plans to help your children succeed in life. We have experienced teachers who are experts in technology and will guide children in advanced skills.

We Make the Future Leaders

Azhar International Grammar School (AIGS) is a self-made school that provides an extraordinary educational program for students from nursery to 12. Their module is to develop thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and thinking creatively. Our main focus is to instil in children’s minds values of respect, responsibility, honesty, modesty and other aspects. we believe in every student deserves an education, so we provide a wide range of courses like the hifzul program and ICT  to meet the unique need of students. Besides fun, we offer curriculum activities like clubs, picnics and many competitions. We always try to create a safe welcoming environment for all kids where they can learn and grow because we are so dedicated to making our students the future leader of our society

Arabic Communication

As Muslim Quran is an essential book for us, to understand the Quran Arabic language every must have knowledge about the Arabic language.  However, with the right resources and guidance, anyone can learn the basics of Arabic communication and develop the skills needed to effectively communicate in the language. Arabic is a common language in the Middle Eastern country. In fact, it is the second most common native tongue behind English.


Computer Science & Information Technology

The importance of IT and CS for students cannot be exaggerated .in this modern world students must have to develop skills in this field. In the job sector, they are highly demanded. By learning technology students can understand the technology around them and make a better future for the new digital age .when they start early to learn day by day they can go with the flow of the

latest technology. For modern education, they can use the latest multimedia slides. Students will advance with new emerging technology

English Medium

For this generation, English is an essential part of education. English is an international language. For higher education and the job sector knowing English is mandatory. Every important element is written in English so learning English is a plus point for education. For example, being able to communicate effectively with people around the globe will make travelling a lot easier and help you to learn more about other cultures. At AIGS we provide English medium versions for the betterment of the future.


Conclusion:  An English medium School will provide children with a nice and safe environment. Children will have the opportunity to learn good quality English as well as become literate in Islamic education. As well as children need Islamic education for their afterlife. Now we live in a generation where we need to be productive Muslims not only Muslims. No one will stop you from following Islamic rules and principles in English medium School. Adhering to the proper porda or hijab will not be difficult either. One should admit their child to an English medium School to avail of these opportunities.

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